If you’re thinking something in your mind, that does not mean you have to say it. “NOW WHAT?” Confucius

One way to save face is to keep the lower half-shut.  There was a time in my life where I thought I had the right to say whatever came to my mind.  Because we think something,  it does not make it true.  My mother used to say children should be seen not heard.  I might not agree with that exact saying, but I do agree to think before you speak.  Your thoughts are opinions.  You don’t always have to voice them.  “NOW WHAT?”

About "NowWhat?"

Stunningly beautiful life coach who provides invaluable insight and humor into the mundane lives of millions.
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6 Responses to If you’re thinking something in your mind, that does not mean you have to say it. “NOW WHAT?” Confucius

  1. bernadettemarie says:

    great visual thought….think before I speak is what I am trying to teach my children but realized I was telling them something I was not doing….what an eyeopener….now I have to thnk before I speak if I want to be a role model….

  2. thedermatologistswife says:

    omg. My opinions have caused me so much embarrassment. Does anyone remember Rosanne Rosanna Dana –the Gilda Radnor character on Saturday Night Live who was always giving some ranting commentary, only to discover that the basic assumption about which she was carrying on was totally wrong. Well, I am ashamed to admit it, but that’s me. I so enjoy a little righteous indignation. It may be my favorite emotion. Therefore, given an opportunity to go off on someone or something, I used to leap at the chance. Now I know better cause half the time I didn’t know what I was talking about. I wonder how often any of knows enough about a subject to really have an opinion they can feel comfortable expressing. Lately, I just keep my mouth shut unless the subject is healthcare, autism, religious fundamentalism, politics, world affairs, the economy… because once you reach a certain age you figure out that you may not know anything but you know a damn sight more than anybody else. I mean really, what do folks know today anyway, and everybody is running around shooting their mouths off about everything and they’re all experts, Right. It just irritates the hell out of me. And they are making a ton of money for expressing their miserable opinions. Go ahead have an opinion, but it better be the one that’s going to bring you a big payday. None of my opinions ever brought me a penny. So what was the point of having any. Am I ranting? Oh sorry. NEVER MIND!!!.

    • "NowWhat?" says:

      Opinions are good, everyone has one. Please freely use “NOW WHAT” as a forum to be heard. You never know when your opinion can help someone else. An opinion is just that, an opinion. We are all entitled to our own opinion. It’s not about money. It’s about being heard. “NOW WHAT?”

      • thedermatologistswife says:

        Apparently you don’t remember Gilda Radner. May she rest in peace. I’m dating myself. That was one funny lady with lots and lots of opinions. Poor soul died of cancer very young. But she lives on in her work. Get some DVDs of early SNL. You’ll laugh your head off.

  3. cassia says:

    To Now What: I am so glad to see that you reiterated that this is a forum where we can all openly speak. The innocence in a child is so pure and what comes out of their mouths is usually on point. I agree that most of the time children should be seen and not heard but there are so many things that I have been able to learn from my child. I was taught to never voice my opinion, in hindsight, I am resentful that I was not allowed to be who I was at a young age. Someone very close to me taught me that it is ok to have my own opinions and that someone says the same thing that you do, think before you speak…you must know this person pretty well 😉 When I understood that you really need to take a few seconds to respond to something as opposed to just shooting from the hip, I saw that I was respected more by the other person to whom I was speaking. More so, I was able to gather my thoughts and answer them in a fashion that was not my ‘norm.’

    When someone speaks to you and regardless if you agree or disagree, you should take the time to really think about how you feel about what they are saying and be true to who you are and decide whether or not it is even worth your time to answer. Most of the time, I answer, I’m still working on this as I think I will always be working on this.

    Keeping your lower half shut is such a poised way of saying that we need to think with our heads sometimes and when speaking to someone, think. Every action has a reaction and if you are not prepared for that reaction then maybe you should think before you act.

    Once again, a great topic that I try to work on every day. I cannot reiterate enough times about how I am so thankful for this site. I come back every day to see what the discussion is about and after reading people’s posts, I learn something. I may not agree with what they are saying but it allows me to see other perspectives. This is what life is about- learning from others and opening your mind to things that you may not have ever been exposed to nor ever thought about….Thank you NOW WHAT!

  4. bLAIREt says:

    So funny…as I read the blog-I was thinking completely about my ‘lower’ half”! Ha. I am single and if we think about it in that way…it certainly does not make me feel any better to sleep with someone. Actually, feel so mych better to just kiss and not go all the way. So embaressed I was thinking it was what you all are talking about ! 🙂

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