Meditation is not contemplation, because it is not thinking at all. “NOW WHAT?” Osho

Your mind is a constant traffic of thoughts, and it is always rush hour, day in, day out.  Meditation means to watch the movement of thoughts and mind.  “NOW WHAT?”

About "NowWhat?"

Stunningly beautiful life coach who provides invaluable insight and humor into the mundane lives of millions.
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9 Responses to Meditation is not contemplation, because it is not thinking at all. “NOW WHAT?” Osho

  1. geminishines says:

    Oh this is something that has my name all over it. My mind is like a race track. It’s not slow nor is it quiet. You should only be a fly on the wall when I try to meditate. It was a hoot. I can’t keep my eyes closed, one pops open then the other,I look around at everyone. the mind goes from one thing to the other, its a joke. I know everything takes practice. I did have to laugh at myself. It just was not me. I even laugh at yoga sometimes when they all hold the yoga hands in prayer and say hmmmmmmm. I just am a firecracker. I’m too fast. Then, when I get my nails done, I fall asleep in the chair, the girl feels sorry for me and says ” oh my, sweetie, you must be so tired”.
    So, my point is I have two speeds. fast and sleep. No calm and in the middle and that is where peace is. As soon as I get to a point where I can find that place I think I’m bored and stir up a project to keep busy. I think I must like drama. You think??? I bake a cake, start a sewing project, paint, work, I must force this rush hour to be more like what you are saying so wonderful. A movement of thoughts. How great that sounds!!! Something like so I can feel them, touch them and taste them. Live and love them. I want to change this, it’s sooooo darn hard. I am determined and I have never quit. I will maybe try yoga again and try not to laugh at myself. How does that sound?? Now What?????

  2. "NowWhat?" says:

    Meditation is hard for many people. You have to learn to just be and let go of the burden’s of the day. The first few times you try it, it will take concentration, and before you know it you’re just thinking blank. Your eyes seem to move back and forth while they are closed. Your mind that is normally moving very fast, seems to be able to concentrate on nothing. Try by keep saying a mantra in your head, over and over again. “NOW WHAT?” Suggests the Serenity Prayer. Concentrate on the words; change, courage, wisdom, acceptance, serenity, and God. “NOW WHAT?”

  3. Jamie says:

    As we are seeing new leaves and flowers budding, getting ready for spring it makes me think of new beginnings. Having meditation in your life is a fabulous way to get to know yourself better. “NOW WHAT?”, your guidance in helping us grow is so selfless. Genius and brilliance are what really come to mind. Thank you! Now What???????

  4. swanlady7 says:

    “Still waters run deep” is such a powerful statement as out of quiet our deepest thoughts have their seeds for greatness. To empty our mind and to just be still takes more discipline than we often feel we are worth; however, the results can be life changing and may expose the person
    we want to be.

    • stanley says:

      You are RIGHT ON THE MONEY here!!!
      I need to keep at it – I am the WORST at meditation!
      I honestly believe in your words though and you all have inspired me to put back on my meditation hat and try try again.
      Thanks…I know it will be worth it!

  5. joy says:

    Maybe meditation is time to mediate between the spiritual world and the physical/emotional world.


  7. Honus Smith says:

    Yes and no. Meditation is the art of not thinking, and contemplation is deep thinking. So, meditation is not contemplation. But it is considered by many to be.

  8. bud says:

    I take a 20 minute “nap” each day. I do not consider this meditation but this sure helps me for the rest of the day.

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