The negative and positive messages, “NOW WHAT?”

As children, we receive our firsts messages from our parents.  They can be negative or positive.  It’s our choice if we want to bring that energy into our future.   If we don’t like it don’t repeat history.  You already know the results.  Do what works for you! “NOW WHAT?”

About "NowWhat?"

Stunningly beautiful life coach who provides invaluable insight and humor into the mundane lives of millions.
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10 Responses to The negative and positive messages, “NOW WHAT?”

  1. starfish says:

    I received both negative and positive messages from my parents as a child. I wasn’t able to discover which ones I really believed in until I became aware of how they were manifested in
    my life as an adult.The negative messages posed many problems for me like unhappiness, sadness, anger and dissapointment when i used them, especially with my husband and kids.The positive messages when i used them brought happiness, joy, and a desire to be helpful to those i love.My children are happy and helpful adults today capable of touching others lives with love and compassion.Out of “Be seen and not heard ” came ” I see you,hear you and care about you”. Imagine how the world would be different if we would have had more positive then negative messages from the start.

  2. maurice says:

    negative and positive energy…….as humans we have both………more negative energy equals unhappiness…..more positive energy equals happiness……

  3. dbmt says:

    New reports from the TV can be both positive and negative………all the publicity received for violence is abhorrent but is that not what the public dwells on??????????think if TV NEWs concentrated more on positive events………..I really appreciate the TV channels that offer a segment where they help people in a jam……..also the segments that show people helping people….

  4. negativity can be contagious but so can positivism…… and laugh………… and laugh…………………..all day long……………wonder what your day will be like………I am going to try it………

  5. josiemay says:

    Life is a great adventure with positive and negative attributes……negative aspects can show me what I need to do differently…..positive moments can change a mood…………sickness can be endured when laughter comes to visit……poverty can be endured when anonymous gifts and food and money are given..till we learn how to move out of poverty or just keep trying….if all of life was positive how would we learn to love ………if a battery just had positive energy it would not work………learn from all…NOW What is a great site thanks

  6. vrt says:

    How do you not repeat history when that is all you know??????????

    • dreamer says:

      Look around………..acknowledge past was difficult……..learn from others who have overcome and what did…. and mostly believe that your life can be better starting today

  7. Vineyardheaven says:

    This is a big one for me…my ex husband hated how he was treated growing up yet now he insists on treating my children with the same negative influences…it drives me CRAZY! Now he thinks because he turned out so ‘well/successfull” that he needs to impart his wisdom in the form of commands. I end up having to do a lot of repair work from his damaging words and actions. Why can’t he be perfect like me?!!

  8. Hey vineyardheaven!. We must be married to the same guy. I don’t like having to do the clean up on his emotional damage either. He’s such a good man in so many ways but he had lousy parenting and I’m afraid it shows. I am sure that neither one is is perfect but being a parent is tough and it takes work. Part of the problem with dads is that they work very hard to give kids the financial stuff they need — and there is nothing wrong with that– but then they are not around for the parenting until it’s time for discipline. Good parenting has to be equal measures nuturing and discipline. So in the end, the kids only take away the negative stuff from their dads. I hate it. And its painful. Not to mention guilt producing.

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